About Me
I was once a very shy and timid women, who hid away from every new experience, the thought of putting myself out there used to make me physically sick with anxiety. Then all of a sudden due to certain circumstances I put myself out there into the world.
I threw myself into new worlds, new experiences, new countries, languages, histories & cultures, it was in that very moment I found the true meaning of me. Although very different & anxiety provoking I became calm, collected & even started to feel more at home abroad than I do back in the UK.
Long gone are the days of waiting all year for one week of freedom. Like many people I know, I have made travel a natural part of my life. Leaving home is now as routine as brushing my teeth, but way more fun.
I've started LaVieAvecMoi in 2022 with the goal of inspiring others to travel in a way that’s both thrilling and meaningful. I like to think of myself as an explorer, charting the path for my readers. My hope is that this blog can help make your next travel experience the best one yet. If there's one piece of advice I would offer every single person no matter your circumstances - take that solo trip, learn to love yourself & even more so become yourself.
Chanel Emery, 2022